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Respiratory Therapy Student/Intern ( RTS/I)
Job Ref: 31702Category: Respiratory
Emerson Hospital,
133 Old Road to Nine Acre Corner,
MA 01742
Department: Respiratory Therapy
Schedule: Full Time
Shift: Day shift
Hours: 0700-1930
Job Summary :
The Respiratory Therapy Student reporting to the Director, Cardio/Pulmonary/Neurology,will work within a team of trained, certified Respiratory Therapists and may assist in providing respiratory care for the adult, neonatal and pediatric patients under the strict supervision of a licensed Respiratory Therapists.
Job Functions:
- Assists Respiratory Therapists in respiratory care procedures in accordance with established departmental and hospital policies and procedures. ( According to MA. Limited Permit, RTS/I may independently treat patients ordered for Hand Nebulizer therapy, Chest Physical Therapy, and Oxygen Therapy. Random and structured proficiency review for all RTS/I activities will be performed by Director and / or designee.)
- Assists in making assessments of patient's respiratory status.
- Assists in assembling necessary equipment and administering prescribed therapies under the direction and oversight of a licensed RT
- Helps monitor a patient's response to therapies and reports these responses to a licensed RT
- Assists in transporting patients
- Other duties as assigned from time to time.
Minimum Qualifications:
· Education- High School Diploma or GED Equivalent and currently enrolled in an accredited Respiratory Therapy, ( RT) program.
· Experience- Appropriate Clinical rotations through current RT Program
- Licensure and/or Certification - Current MA. STATE RT LISCENSE -LIMITTED PERMIT